Middle School ELA:
Embedding Reading & Writing
Rather than go into a ton of boring research-based information about why embedding reading and writing in the classroom curriculum is so beneficial for the thinking and learning process, I’d rather just show you!
I’m including three links with three totally 100% done-for-you lesson plans:
one for 6th grade
one for 7th grade
and one for 8th grade.
A whole WEEK of lesson plans for each grade level!
I know, right??
Sharing this stuff with you for free is one way of showing you what’s inside my Middle School ELA Teachers Lesson Plan Membership Community.
It’s a glimpse into the hundreds of unique, engaging, time-saving lessons the members I serve have access to each day (and I’m adding new materials and resources all the time to make teachers’ lives easier!)
You’ll notice that there’s a LOT in each week of lesson plans, but that’s just because you have OPTIONS and RESOURCES (it doesn’t mean a ton of work!)
Here’s what you’ll see in each week you download for free below:
A Lesson Plan page for each day with options for Common Core standards or Texas TEKS standards already done, the “I Can” or “The Student Will” statements done, plus the step-by-step procedures of the activities for the day
A teachable mini-lesson or whole-group activity with built-in discussion questions to guide the learning
Small group work, partner work, or independent work to practice the skill of the day
Possibly a little quiz or exit ticket to close out the class
Teacher Idea sheets to give you other ways or methods of reaching your students with the lesson
Week at a Glance which is a one-page PDF with a summary of what’s in the plan for the week, strategies for differentiation specific to that week, and ways to lessen the grading or copying for the week (major time-savers!!!)
It’s also worth mentioning that all the lesson plans are designed for a 45 minute to one-hour class. There’s NEVER enough time for everything, and that’s another reason to embed the reading and writing all throughout the lesson plans, as much as possible!
You’ll also notice that items in the lesson plan file appear in both PDF and Word formats for your convenience.
One more thing:
When you see 7.1.1s it means “grade 7, week 1, day” and the “s” is for student, like it’s meant for a student handout or for students to use. If you see a “t” instead of an “s” then it’s “t” for “teacher” and it’s just a teacher idea sheet to help you as you get ready for the lesson.
Click any link below based on what you need!
Keep in mind that these are just a few pieces of the lesson plans taken from within my lesson plan membership community, but you can see a whole overview as far as what’s in each grade, each unit, and each week by clicking here.
6th Grade Drama-Play Reading/Writing Unit Week 2
Grab the 6th Grade Drama Week at a Glance sheet here!
7th Grade Narrative Reading/Writing Unit Week 2
Grab the 7th Grade Narrative Reading/Writing Week at a Glance sheet here!
8th Grade Expository Reading/Writing Unit Week 2
Grab the 8th Grade Expository Reading/Writing Week at a Glance sheet here!
Looking for ALL the Narrative, Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive Reading/Writing Units for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade?
LEARN MORE HERE to avoid having to choose family time over prepping for class!