Category: Dealing with People

How to Say NO to Extra Credit!
Extra Credit is a Major Time-Suck! How to say NO to students, parents, and administrators when they ask about extra credit in your middle school English Language Arts classroom. “Can I do anything for extra credit since my grade in 7th grade ELA is 88? I really have to have

When Students DON’T Need Tutoring
Do your students really need private tutoring from you, or is it something else? I received an email from a parent the other day telling menot askingbut telling me, that her son would be staying after school each day for the next six weeks for tutoring to get his

“Why Don’t You Have Time for Me?”
Here’s what happened in my class a few weeks ago that I can’t get out of my mind: In the middle of Language Arts class on Tuesday, sweet little Desiree asked me if I could help her with her test corrections (the test our school district so graciously provides for