Category: Tricky Situations

3 Tips to Get Your Middle School ELA Students to Show Growth
Learn how to get your Middle School ELA students to show growth—and not just in the “data-driven” areas.

How to Say NO to Extra Credit!
Extra Credit is a Major Time-Suck! How to say NO to students, parents, and administrators when they ask about extra credit in your middle school English Language Arts classroom. “Can I do anything for extra credit since my grade in 7th grade ELA is 88? I really have to have

6th Grade ELA Year-End Lesson Plans!
Ideas for the End of the School Year 6th Grade Language Arts Everywhere I look, it seems like teachers are gearing up for end-of-the-year lessons and activities. The 6th grade Language Arts classroom ideas Ive been looking at online in particular seem to be loaded with all these incredibly

When Students DON’T Need Tutoring
Do your students really need private tutoring from you, or is it something else? I received an email from a parent the other day telling menot askingbut telling me, that her son would be staying after school each day for the next six weeks for tutoring to get his

Easy Email Templates for Busy Teachers
Struggling with what to say to a parent through email? It can be tricky putting things in writing sometimes, and it’s easy to suddenly lose an hour of your precious time trying to get the words just right when it involves a parent and a student. There are several reasons

Responding to Ridiculous, Angry Parent Emails (Part Two)
Responding to Ridiculous and Angry Parent Emails! 3 More Scenarios to Help You! I split this into two blog posts: 3 scenarios here and then the first 3 appeared in last week’s blog post, here. The following scenarios are real situations that happened to me either this year or last year. I obviously

Responding to Ridiculous, Angry Parent Emails (Part One)
Quirky Situation + Angry Parent + What to Say Via Email = All Better! As a busy teacher, we all know how time-consuming it can be when a situation arises and a parent’s scathing email comes through. It’s always at the worst possible time, too! We either check our email
I’m Too Freakin’ Sick to Teach Today!
Too Sick to Teach… But I’m Not Exactly Sick Enough to Stay Home, Either! What can we do on those days that its not quite bad enough to stay home, and its too much work or its too late to get a sub for your classes? Well, every