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Brain Breaks for Teachers: How to Recharge During a School Day

Recently, I shared a couple of articles listing many different types of brain breaks for your Middle School ELA students. But today, I want to give you some brain breaks for teachers… because you need them just as much as your students do!

Why Do I Need Brain Breaks for Teachers?

When you’re a teacher, you work hard to make sure your students get the best of you. After all, you want to make sure they learn the material they need to. You want them to grow up as intelligent, responsible citizens… right?

That’s wonderful… But just as students learn better when they get frequent breaks to focus on something other than school, teachers also do better at teaching when they give their brains short breaks to rest.

Do you remember the last time you snapped at a student without meaning to? Or the last time you stared at a student blankly when they asked you a question?

Yeah… you definitely needed a brain break lol!!

I recently asked some fellow Middle School ELA teachers what their favorite brain breaks for teachers were, and I got several great responses! I want to share some of them with you, along with my own suggestions.

Favorite Brain Breaks for Teachers

Chances are, you’ve done one or more of these brain breaks for teachers.

Each person has their own way of relaxing or shutting their brain off for a moment or two. Find the brain break that works best for you—and then commit to taking a break at least once per day to do it.

1. Take a break with Pinterest.

OK, raise your hand if you’ve scrolled through Pinterest during the school day… Most of us probably have LOL!!

But in all seriousness, Pinterest can actually be one of the best brain breaks for teachers because it’s a fun and creative way to relax and get your mind on something else. But unlike watching TV, scrolling through Pinterest can actually activate the creative side of your brain, giving you ideas for your home, your classroom, and so on…

2. Close your classroom door and enjoy a few moments of peace.

You’ll notice that a lot of these brain breaks for teachers aren’t complicated… and that’s because as a teacher, you don’t have ton of time to devote to relaxation during the school day. Brain breaks for teachers need to be quick and easy to do—otherwise you may not do them.

It’s amazing how something as simple as shutting your classroom door and enjoying a few minutes alone can relax you and prepare you for the next class.

3. Hide in the bathroom… not even kidding.

Another simple one. 😊 Jokes aside, being a Middle School teacher is a bit like being a mom. Sometimes you need to hide in the bathroom to escape kids who have incessant questions, requests, and needs.

It’s OK to take a moment for yourself. It’s not selfish. So if you need to hide yourself in the bathroom… consider this your permission to do so!!

4. Take a short walk.

A little exercise is a great way to refresh the mind. Research has shown that physical exercise can keep your brain healthy and help you think better.

Students aren’t the only ones using their brains during class time… it takes a lot of your brain power to teach for hours a day.

Anything active that gets your blood flowing is great for your brain and can help you return to the classroom refreshed and ready to teach.

5. Do some breathing exercises.

Another great way to get blood and oxygen going through your body is breathing deeply. Controlled breathing has been said to help relax the mind and increase focus.

Try taking just 2 minutes to focus on your breathing. Breathe in for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and then breathe out for a count of four. Repeat at least three times.

6. Call a friend to talk for a few minutes.

Sometimes a little social interaction with someone who’s not a middle schooler is helpful. You can eat lunch or chat with a fellow teacher. Or if you need to connect with someone who has nothing to your school at all, just try calling a close friend.

7. Read a fun book.

Not a textbook. Not tomorrow’s lesson plans… I mean a fun book. Even if it’s that silly romance novel that your husband makes fun of you for!

You might want to try all these brain breaks for teachers this semester. But if nothing else, just try one! Make a commitment to yourself to prioritize brain breaks throughout the day so you can show up better for your students—and for yourself!

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