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4 Ways Students Can Leverage AI Writing Tools in Middle School ELA Classes
AI writing tools are new, controversial, and a source of anxiety for teachers and parents who know how important it is for middle school students in English Language Arts classrooms to develop the skill of writing and communication. (Me + AI) Years and years ago, I remember hearing teachers panic

Middle School English Language Arts: Test Prep that Doesn’t Feel Like Test Prep
The most common questions I get when it comes to test prep in the Middle School ELA Classroom are these >> When do you start reviewing? → Pretty much from Day 1 of the school year, because the way I do it, students aren’t even aware at all that we’re

Reading Workshop in Middle School English Language Arts
Let’s dive into the BEST reading workshop strategies for Middle School ELA (coming at you live in just a sec). First, a foundational Q: What is a “Reading Workshop”, and why is it referred to as a “workshop”? The A to ^that Q: We’ll start here just so we’re all

Station Ideas for Middle School ELA
Ok, I get these Q’s frequently from teachers who reach out to me regarding setting up and running stations or centers (same thing, basically) in their middle school English / Language Arts / Reading / Writing classes: How do I make stations work so I can . . . >>

Teaching Nonfiction Texts All Year Long in Middle School ELA
For years I struggled to find nonfiction texts for my middle school ELA students that didn’t: What I wanted but couldn’t find (until now since I created it) were nonfiction texts that: Finally, because I love research, writing, and all things related to making my own life easier in the

Teacher Stress and Burnout: A New Perspective (Not Another To-Do)
What to do when you feel like you: I definitely hear you! This is such a struggle and I’m right there, too. One question to consider is this: Where is the stress actually coming from? Is the stress coming from the students, or from parents, or from admin requirements, or

Argument Unit Planning: Planning Your Middle School ELA Argument Unit
With the right preparation, your argument unit can not only be very beneficial for your students, but also a lot of fun to teach. It will all start with an immersive experience that will help your students personally understand the value of a great argument, where they’ll get to learn

Poetry Unit Planning: Using an Immersive Poetry Experience
Do you want to teach poetry in a way that engages your students and immerses them in a poetry experience that lasts longer than just a random poetry activity? If so, then you’re in the right place! Creating an immersive, engaging poetry unit is exactly what I sat down to

Nonfiction Unit Planning: How to Plan Your Middle School ELA Nonfiction/Expository Unit
When it comes to nonfiction or expository texts, it’s not always the easiest type of unit to get your students excited about. It can be easy to sell fiction or drama to your students as it’s a way for them to travel to faraway lands and get wrapped up in

Short Story Fiction Unit Planning: How to Plan and Organize (Especially if You’re New to Middle School ELA)
If you’re a new 6th, 7th, or 8th Grade ELA Teacher looking to plan and organize a fiction unit, you’re in exactly the right place! Let’s take a look at the basic elements of a fiction or short story unit so you feel confident in what to teach when you’re

How to Build Relationships and Establish Procedures in Your Middle School ELA Classroom
In order to create a peaceful learning environment, it’s important for us as teachers to build positive relationships with their students. Establishing procedures and routines in the classroom can also help create a sense of predictability and security for students. The tips, tricks, and timeliness of this topic is merely

Classroom Management in Middle School: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Year
If you’re a middle school teacher, classroom management is key to having a successful year. It can be difficult to keep middle schoolers on track, but with the right tips and tricks, it can be done (without stress, begging, or selling your soul)! The tips, tricks, and timeliness of this

Creating Your Classroom Management Plan: The Teacher’s How-to Guide
Really? A “classroom management plan” for a Middle School ELA Teacher?” Yes, absolutely! Thinking ahead, being proactive, and knowing what you’ll do or say in certain classroom situations is how you’ll stay in control, remain calm, and feel confident during all those pop-up classroom management issues that your school doesn’t

Social Emotional Learning: Promoting Connection with Students and Parents
With neverending to-do lists, it’s overwhelming to think about how to incorporate social-emotional learning (SEL) into our classrooms. With so many mounting responsibilities, how can we possibly begin to tackle the countless needs of our students? We realize this is a big job. Like, a really big job. However, we

Mini-Lessons for The First Week of Class
When we think about what to teach during that very first week of school, it’s not as much about the academics as it is about teaching the routines, procedures, and expectations that are crucial for a smooth-running classroom. Mini-lessons that first week are really just the tools through which I