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You're in the right place for action steps and take-aways if you're a busy Middle School ELA teacher who prefers personal family time over prepping for class. You want to teach with confidence while also leaving at a very decent time each day. On that note, welcome to the library where I only share the kind of recommendations + advice that'll uplevel your classroom without taking away from your personal life.

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Middle School ELA Teachers

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Station Ideas for Middle School ELA

Ok, I get these Q’s frequently from teachers who reach out to me regarding setting up and running stations or centers (same thing, basically) in their middle school English / Language Arts / Reading / Writing classes:  How do I make stations work so I can . . .  >>

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Mini-Lessons for The First Week of Class

When we think about what to teach during that very first week of school, it’s not as much about the academics as it is about teaching the routines, procedures, and expectations that are crucial for a smooth-running classroom.  Mini-lessons that first week are really just the tools through which I

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